Welcome to My Blog!

Jan Spörer

I am a finance guy who turned into a software engineer.

My three “professional passions” are: 1) finance, 2) data, and 3) software.

I am a Ph.D. candidate in natural language processing (NLP) at the University of St. Gallen (HSG). My focus areas are question answering for financial texts, the scaling behavior of language and vision transformer models, and AI benchmarks. call with me here on Calendly.

Find out more about my Ph.D. studies here.

Project Portfolio & CV

Please find my project portfolio in this page about my projects.

Technical Interests

I am a big fan of engineering challenges.

I code with Java, Kotlin, JavaScript/TypeScript, and Python. After struggling with Visual Basic, Fortran, and Turbo Pascal in middle school, the first language that I learned to do well in was Ruby in the summer of 2018. Since the fall of 2018, I prefer using Python.

Sometime in the future, I would like to get into Rust and Go. I tried Julia and R, but I have yet to like either of those languages.

For software projects, Java, Kotlin, and JavaScript are currently my main languages. My natural language processing (NLP) research happens exclusively in Python (supported by Huggingface and PyTorch libraries).

I recommend using a “second brain/Zettelkasten” software to just about anybody and wrote a post about it.

How to Get in Touch

Please send an email to jan.spoerer@whu.edu.

Social Media

See this blog article for a list of my social media links.